Wednesday, July 12, 2006
How can the human race survive the next hundred years?
This would be the scene in not just one family in Mumbai, this would be the story of hundreds of other families. All these families would be living their own happy life yesterday, today and tomorrow, all it took was 7 blasts at regular intervals to throw their today and tomorrow off-balance.
Now there was a blast… it means somebody is angry, hurt, someone has been wronged… maybe somebody wants to make a point… but
Why a bomb blast? … Why on a crowded train? … Why hurt innocent people? …
Why a bomb blast? … Why on a crowded train? … Why hurt innocent people? …
Why a bomb blast? … Why on a crowded train? … Why hurt innocent people? …
Why a bomb blast? … Why on a crowded train? … Why hurt innocent people? …
So now the question, how can the human race survive the next hundred years?
This is a question posted by Dr Stephen Hawkings on Yahoo! Answers.
Get all people educated, educated not like ‘A, B, C…’ … ‘Science, Physics…’… and stuff. Teach all the people in the world, teach them to see people not on the basis of the color of their skin, the language they speak, the God they follow, the political party they belong to, the country they are part of, teach them to see all human beings alike, teach them you are no different from any other human in this planet. What we need is to live and let live, be thankful for this beautiful planet that we live in, take good care of it. This is the education that the whole world needs; this is the education that will save us. The education that might get us through the next hundred years and the other hundred years that follows.
Human race- To be or not to be?
Answer: (Wish I had one)
Monday, July 10, 2006
The Man of Steel returns

I saw Superman Returns yesterday; and I should say I really liked it. I’m so happy that Superman is back. To hear the Superman theme once again was like, bringing back all those childhood memories of days when you used to enact flying like Superman while trumpeting the theme song at the top of your voice.
Now about the movie, the story is quite good. They re-introduced the Man of Steel in a very nice and not so boring way. The Superman cape and suit is all pretty cool this time. The effects in the movie are quite good, could have done better but no issues. The Superman and his flying scenes was simply cool, I really like the scene where superman kind of meditates in space the cape and all floating- simply amazing scene. Brandon Routh is a really cool replacement for Christopher Reeves; he does looks like him in some angles.
Maybe I’m biased in my opinion cos I am this big fan Superman; I loved this movie a lot. Loved the little surprise in the end, it’s a pretty cool movie, which all Superman fans will definitely love. The only little, minute thing that might be a sort of fault would be that Lex Luthor was not that great a villain in Superman Returns; they could have made his character pretty more scary and insane.
Superman is back and is here to stay that’s for sure. In his words ‘I’ll be always around’.
Superman- to be or not to be?
Definitely to be.