Friday, December 25, 2009


Today was Christmas , it was the a Christmas away from home. No mass at my regular Church, no appam and stew for breakfast, no mumma cake for Christmas. This is not my first Christmas away from home I guess, but this is Christmas is different from the rest because, today I never missed any of these today. Todays Christmas was at Vasu's with LSD and Aravind. A good memory, a Christmas with family away from home. More details on this family of mine sometime later. I owe God an apology I guess, I've been not thankful for my life for a long period of time. It's partly to do with not taking some chances that I should have taken (there will never be a post about this). Today I, Bijou Mani Thomas, wants to set the record straight with God.

  • I'm not being punished for making the wrong choices in this life.
  • I'm lucky. I have the best set of friends that, only I can have. The only set of friends that I can call my own family away from home.
  • I have homes that I can call myself, and walk in at any hour, and not be considered a pain in the @$$.
  • Today I realized, that losses I have had many, many that I know I'll never get back. But what I've been gifted weighs more than what I have lost. Today I realized, I'm blessed.
Today I'm thankful for this life.

(Image Courtesy:

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It gets adjusted

One of the best things about Hyderabad is this awesome means of public transport called 'Share Auto'. It's the Mumbai metros but it's not a train, it's an auto. Profession no bar, religion no bar, education no bar everybody shares the same ride. They do cram 7 including the driver in the auto but it's pretty cool a ride. My favourite seat is the one with the driver, the left one. More butt space and if you are a righty, you get your natural right hand to confidently seat yourself.

From my place to my first stop where I hop on our Red Palio, the share auto ride costs me 4Rs. Most of the time I end up paying 5 Rs to the auto guy. I ended up losing a rupee to the auto guy, because he doesn't have change. Today, one of the most unusual days of all, I had two rides and both of the time, when the driver didn't have enough change he kinda waived the extra rupee off.

It all gets adjusted, we lose sometime, but we gain the same some other time. It all gets adjusted. You miss home alot but you have two places like home you can walk into any point in time. Two families to call your own other than home. It all gets adjusted.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

[Movie Review] Rocket Sales Corp has no HR

Good movie, a good watch, and it's not like this is a substitute for 'when there is no AVATAR movie tickets' kinda movie. This movie deserves your attention. Story of working on something that 'makes meaning'.

Here's the whole movie described in the 'Chapter Titles' if it were to be released in a DVD today.
1. Pappu pass hogaya, but Pappu doesn't want to do an MBA
2. Sales Job Hunting.
3. Training Day
4. Complaint Box
5. The Black Sheep
6. We don't sell this configuration.
7. Partners in crime
8. Wrong number
9. The offer- Sir, Aap SIM Cards bhi bhejtae hai
10. Busted
11. The Merger
12. One rupee

A good climax and you got yourself a good no-nonsense movie. No romantic overdose. No 'we had to fit in a song' knda song. And some good casting and wicked acting. I never dreamed I'd ever say this ever ever... but Ranbir Kapoor has made some good choices and can act too. So good movie in all.

Lesson learnt: Behind every successful company there is NO HR.

Here's what Guy Kawasaki has to say about 'make meaning' from his famous 'The Art of Start' lecture.