Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It gets adjusted

One of the best things about Hyderabad is this awesome means of public transport called 'Share Auto'. It's the Mumbai metros but it's not a train, it's an auto. Profession no bar, religion no bar, education no bar everybody shares the same ride. They do cram 7 including the driver in the auto but it's pretty cool a ride. My favourite seat is the one with the driver, the left one. More butt space and if you are a righty, you get your natural right hand to confidently seat yourself.

From my place to my first stop where I hop on our Red Palio, the share auto ride costs me 4Rs. Most of the time I end up paying 5 Rs to the auto guy. I ended up losing a rupee to the auto guy, because he doesn't have change. Today, one of the most unusual days of all, I had two rides and both of the time, when the driver didn't have enough change he kinda waived the extra rupee off.

It all gets adjusted, we lose sometime, but we gain the same some other time. It all gets adjusted. You miss home alot but you have two places like home you can walk into any point in time. Two families to call your own other than home. It all gets adjusted.

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