- Barack Obama (more here)
This sentence caught my attention. 'We will not eradicate violent conflict in our lifetimes' a small yet simple truth right. So now it's not in our hands, war and violence will be part and parcel of being human. Now who do we blame this state of mankind on. Whom do we blame it on.
1. Free Will- Blame it on 'free will', the greatest gift given to man. That which makes us human is what makes us stupid and violent.
2. God, Religion - Blame it on mankind's belief in some force or power that's beyond his reach. The one thing that he says is the answer to that question about everything. Blame it on his need to have given it a name. Blame it on teaching his children his experiences with this 'answer' of his.
3. Caste and Creed - Blame it on our differences in skin color, language, ethnicity.
I guess we did mess up big time. The whole idea of being threatened by another human being is what makes us animals. God threw in a good helping of free will and logic what messed it up all i guess. Now that would not be true right, other animals have the same gift, except for opposable thumbs.We have intelligent dogs, yesterday I saw killer whales hunting on a grey whale and there's logic in them. There is free will and there's logic in all animals alike, maybe a tad greater in humans I guess. Animals also fight, they are territorial, they still don't have Gods and religion, when they fight, hunt, kill... it's all tagged 'survival of the fittest' or 'Being on top of the Food Chain'. Maybe the reason to all this violence, war and all is still this same thing 'Survival of the fittest', it just is in a bigger scale, a scale which God even wouldn't have fathomed.
Rephrasing Obama: We'll never eradicate violent conflict in 'any' of our lifetimes.
We never can, it's part and parcel of being human, being the animal we all are within. This how it's meant to be. But there is hope, we'll only be able to fight for all this, till we have this beautiful planet to fight for. Since we are doing a good job at destroying our planet too, we might see the end of 'war' and 'violence' in 'this planet' in just a few more centuries. Earth would be considered FUBAR one day. Humans would stop fighting for earth one day, move to a newer planet and continue from where we left on earth.
(Image Courtesy: bluray.ign.com)
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