Saturday, December 05, 2009

Working on a Saturday

When waking up on a Saturday seems to be such a big burden, waking up and going to work would be the worst thing ever to happen. I have work today, not because I want to, but just because I have to. We have to compensate for a holiday we got for the local election in Hyderabad. So we work on this Saturday. Last time when we had the holiday for State and Lok Sabha elections we were asked to compensate for the same by working a Saturday. Later on that was cancelled quoting some court rule or something.

Maybe today's work is going to be unconstitutional. If this is true then can we get a day off on Monday. I hate Mondays, no matter how good or bad the weekend was, waking up and getting back to work on a Monday is a big drag. Weekends are happy and 'Weekbegins' are sad.

I say let's make Monday optional working days, it is a working day, but it's...(pause)... 'o-p-t-i-o-n-a-l'. Monday is the day when you mentally and physically prepare to get back to work after the weekend. Now why can't you do the same on Sunday? Well that is so not workforce friendly. You could get stoned to death in Kerala and WB for asking that question. So where were we, yup 'optional' working day. It's not compulsory but it's (pause) 'optional', you are not forced to come to office, if you feel like coming to office you come do your time and go home.

Yup that's it, the solution for a Happy Weekend and a Happy 'Weekbegin'

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