Friday, December 25, 2009


Today was Christmas , it was the a Christmas away from home. No mass at my regular Church, no appam and stew for breakfast, no mumma cake for Christmas. This is not my first Christmas away from home I guess, but this is Christmas is different from the rest because, today I never missed any of these today. Todays Christmas was at Vasu's with LSD and Aravind. A good memory, a Christmas with family away from home. More details on this family of mine sometime later. I owe God an apology I guess, I've been not thankful for my life for a long period of time. It's partly to do with not taking some chances that I should have taken (there will never be a post about this). Today I, Bijou Mani Thomas, wants to set the record straight with God.

  • I'm not being punished for making the wrong choices in this life.
  • I'm lucky. I have the best set of friends that, only I can have. The only set of friends that I can call my own family away from home.
  • I have homes that I can call myself, and walk in at any hour, and not be considered a pain in the @$$.
  • Today I realized, that losses I have had many, many that I know I'll never get back. But what I've been gifted weighs more than what I have lost. Today I realized, I'm blessed.
Today I'm thankful for this life.

(Image Courtesy:

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It gets adjusted

One of the best things about Hyderabad is this awesome means of public transport called 'Share Auto'. It's the Mumbai metros but it's not a train, it's an auto. Profession no bar, religion no bar, education no bar everybody shares the same ride. They do cram 7 including the driver in the auto but it's pretty cool a ride. My favourite seat is the one with the driver, the left one. More butt space and if you are a righty, you get your natural right hand to confidently seat yourself.

From my place to my first stop where I hop on our Red Palio, the share auto ride costs me 4Rs. Most of the time I end up paying 5 Rs to the auto guy. I ended up losing a rupee to the auto guy, because he doesn't have change. Today, one of the most unusual days of all, I had two rides and both of the time, when the driver didn't have enough change he kinda waived the extra rupee off.

It all gets adjusted, we lose sometime, but we gain the same some other time. It all gets adjusted. You miss home alot but you have two places like home you can walk into any point in time. Two families to call your own other than home. It all gets adjusted.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

[Movie Review] Rocket Sales Corp has no HR

Good movie, a good watch, and it's not like this is a substitute for 'when there is no AVATAR movie tickets' kinda movie. This movie deserves your attention. Story of working on something that 'makes meaning'.

Here's the whole movie described in the 'Chapter Titles' if it were to be released in a DVD today.
1. Pappu pass hogaya, but Pappu doesn't want to do an MBA
2. Sales Job Hunting.
3. Training Day
4. Complaint Box
5. The Black Sheep
6. We don't sell this configuration.
7. Partners in crime
8. Wrong number
9. The offer- Sir, Aap SIM Cards bhi bhejtae hai
10. Busted
11. The Merger
12. One rupee

A good climax and you got yourself a good no-nonsense movie. No romantic overdose. No 'we had to fit in a song' knda song. And some good casting and wicked acting. I never dreamed I'd ever say this ever ever... but Ranbir Kapoor has made some good choices and can act too. So good movie in all.

Lesson learnt: Behind every successful company there is NO HR.

Here's what Guy Kawasaki has to say about 'make meaning' from his famous 'The Art of Start' lecture.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

What matters now

(Image courtesy:

I'm on page 51 of Seth Godin's free e-book titled 'What matters now'. It's a collection of micro-essays by Godin and his friends. Jason Fried from 37s, Gina Trapani of Lifehacker, Guy Kawasaki and many others.

A good read, every page talks about one specific topic, hardly 200 words per page. It's free e-book and it's a available here

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I got Eclipse installed in my machine at work. Eclipse Europa 3.3x, I wanted to work on Android for long, been lazying around for a long time. Yesterday, it turns out that I could download the SDK (22 MB download). I didn't waste much time, downloaded the SDK and installed the Eclipse ADT plugin for Android. It was kind of a gamble, because the Android Developer site recommends Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede and 3.5 Galileo for ADT. I just gave it a try with the help of this awesome online tutorial here.

Now... I, DROID :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Speed breakers... Sleep breakers

It's a very innovative way to prevent you from over speeding and injuring 'others'. If you don't respect to these man made creations on almost every Indian road, it's bound to kill you. And this is the unique service that it provides. It just kills you, nobody else other than you gets hurt. No! you might not know where and when there is a speed breaker, because most of the time, there won't be a road sign or a properly marked speed bump on the road. So always be alert, pay your respects to the speed breakers. Slow down and pass, you might have to break hard that the road should feel that you are sort of bowing down to it.

There is another variant of the same that's found on highways. They come in pairs, there should be atleast two. Now these are what I would like to call 'Sleep Breakers'. It's a highway, you have to 'have to' drive at night, we are human, to sleep is human, to sleep while driving is 'crazy' human. So sleep breakers shake the sleep off you. It's like somebody holding you and shaking you left and right, left and right and snap... you're awake. These usually with some luck, does come with big road signs which say, bump ahead and all. Most of em read as 'Speed bump ahead', which you should normal read as 'Speed bump... RIGHT Heeeee eEeeeeeReeeeeE!!!!'

Yesterday night I had an episode where I nearly took off from the seat off a Bullet for not paying respects to a Speed Breaker. Don't worry, nobody got hurt, I guess we just got a warning. That's all for now, drive safe.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Who do we blame it on?

We must begin by acknowledging the hard truth that we will not eradicate violent conflict in our lifetimes. There will be times when nations -- acting individually or in concert -- will find the use of force not only necessary but morally justified.
- Barack Obama (more here)

This sentence caught my attention. 'We will not eradicate violent conflict in our lifetimes' a small yet simple truth right. So now it's not in our hands, war and violence will be part and parcel of being human. Now who do we blame this state of mankind on. Whom do we blame it on.
1. Free Will- Blame it on 'free will', the greatest gift given to man. That which makes us human is what makes us stupid and violent.
2. God, Religion - Blame it on mankind's belief in some force or power that's beyond his reach. The one thing that he says is the answer to that question about everything. Blame it on his need to have given it a name. Blame it on teaching his children his experiences with this 'answer' of his.
3. Caste and Creed - Blame it on our differences in skin color, language, ethnicity.

I guess we did mess up big time. The whole idea of being threatened by another human being is what makes us animals. God threw in a good helping of free will and logic what messed it up all i guess. Now that would not be true right, other animals have the same gift, except for opposable thumbs.We have intelligent dogs, yesterday I saw killer whales hunting on a grey whale and there's logic in them. There is free will and there's logic in all animals alike, maybe a tad greater in humans I guess. Animals also fight, they are territorial, they still don't have Gods and religion, when they fight, hunt, kill... it's all tagged 'survival of the fittest' or 'Being on top of the Food Chain'. Maybe the reason to all this violence, war and all is still this same thing 'Survival of the fittest', it just is in a bigger scale, a scale which God even wouldn't have fathomed.

Rephrasing Obama: We'll never eradicate violent conflict in 'any' of our lifetimes.

We never can, it's part and parcel of being human, being the animal we all are within. This how it's meant to be. But there is hope, we'll only be able to fight for all this, till we have this beautiful planet to fight for. Since we are doing a good job at destroying our planet too, we might see the end of 'war' and 'violence' in 'this planet' in just a few more centuries. Earth would be considered FUBAR one day. Humans would stop fighting for earth one day, move to a newer planet and continue from where we left on earth.

(Image Courtesy:

Friday, December 11, 2009

4 flights and a wedding

Just got back from a wedding from Gujarat. I went to attend my best friend Anurag's sister, Charu's wedding. Rajasthani bride weds Gujju groom. The highlight of this trip was this awesome 'Garba' on the night of the engagement. Boy! was it wicked, they just rocked the place like anything.

Now 'Garba' is like a Gujju version of the 'Thiruvathira', but the music to which they dance is quite fast and the dancers just dance and don't sing. I'm not pretty sure whether the 'Thiruvathira' dancers sing, but the pace of the dance is quite slow. Thiruvathira is a all girl dance thing while this is like a guys and girl thing. If the whole group comprises of people who really know the steps, it's quite awesome. Throw in a few guys who don't know the steps, you mess up the dance for not just the people watching, you might end up getting hurt or stepping a few toes and really hurting people.

A beautiful memory to remain, here's to Charu's happily ever after. God Bless!.

On a very light note: I haven't read the whole of Gandhi's 'My Experiments with Truth', but there was a chapter for non-detail in school. I remember reading that Gandhi took dance lessons, now Gandhi was Gujju, and he would have learnt to 'Garba'. And if you can 'Garba' you can pretty much pick up any dance. Did Gandhi know 'Garba'?

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

What if...

1. Information was free and opinions not forced upon.
2. Gods had no name.
3. Religions had no house of worship.
4. Lands were not separated by borders.
5. Education was free.
6. Just enough money is enough.
7. We are blessed with forgiveness in abundance

Do you think this would make the world a better place to live

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Working on a Saturday

When waking up on a Saturday seems to be such a big burden, waking up and going to work would be the worst thing ever to happen. I have work today, not because I want to, but just because I have to. We have to compensate for a holiday we got for the local election in Hyderabad. So we work on this Saturday. Last time when we had the holiday for State and Lok Sabha elections we were asked to compensate for the same by working a Saturday. Later on that was cancelled quoting some court rule or something.

Maybe today's work is going to be unconstitutional. If this is true then can we get a day off on Monday. I hate Mondays, no matter how good or bad the weekend was, waking up and getting back to work on a Monday is a big drag. Weekends are happy and 'Weekbegins' are sad.

I say let's make Monday optional working days, it is a working day, but it's...(pause)... 'o-p-t-i-o-n-a-l'. Monday is the day when you mentally and physically prepare to get back to work after the weekend. Now why can't you do the same on Sunday? Well that is so not workforce friendly. You could get stoned to death in Kerala and WB for asking that question. So where were we, yup 'optional' working day. It's not compulsory but it's (pause) 'optional', you are not forced to come to office, if you feel like coming to office you come do your time and go home.

Yup that's it, the solution for a Happy Weekend and a Happy 'Weekbegin'

Friday, December 04, 2009

We'll never run out of 'tomorrows'

Live blogging a 'Go-Live'

18. New Go Live date 'tomorrow'

17. The trail transactions failed, the reason not so small. The whole implementation never considered 'migrated data'. Result: Configuration data mismatch left right center across applications.

16. Meanwhile in the Actual Outsourced IT Vendor's place. A meeting for discussing results of 'trail run' on the Production system, very solemn meeting with the subtle tone of the Project Manager's snore in the back ground.

15. While all this was happening, tomorrow went by. 'Tomorrow' went by THRICE.

New Go Live date 'tomorrow'.

14. Call Center agent setups are being done, user creation happening in the application. Call Center Agent screens not working.

13. Big hustle and bustle at the new call center, machines all booted up, but still not within the network.

12. Outsourced IT Vendor finds a loop hole- You get the a Call Center up and a arrange for a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Call Center means you have 'Gone Live!'.

11. Focus now changes on getting the Call Center ready.

10. Outsourced IT Vendor is in a jinx with the date. They can't go live 'tomorrow', there is a 200 seater call center to be setup (by tomorrow).

9. Outsourced IT Vendor gets a date from it's Actual Outsourced IT vendor- it's tomorrow. WTF!

8. Post lunch there is the rumour of a 'Go-Live!' and there is a date- It's 'tomorrow'.

New Go live Date: tomorrow

7. Somewhere down south from all that's happening, there is this team working on issues and bugs, setting up and instance for a 'Parallel Run' simultaneously juggling the work to get their machines setup in the new office.

6. Outsourced IT vendor goes and ask the 'Go-Live!' date to the IT vendor to whom they have outsourced the work.

5. Implementation Vendor caught unaware, calls up the outsourced IT vendor and asks for a 'Go-Live!' date.

4. Meeting agenda changes. 'Parallel Run' changes to 'Go-Live!'. Who needs a parallel run, Who needs a proper user training. Parallel Runs and trainings are for sissies. When can you 'Go-Live!

3. IT department having a day long meeting with the New Software Implementation vendor about the 'Parallel Run' gets to know that the $h!T's hit the fan. Need to find some cover.

2. The Business users point the finger at the IT department.

1. Client's mission critical CRM and Billing application goes down for a particular LOB.

New Go Live Date: tomorrow

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Arbeit macht frei

We shifted... finally. Our new work place is DLF Cybercity or something. Boy is it huge or what, it's a building still under construction. With just few of the zones which are functional, I'm at the 4th Zone 5th Floor and it's got like 2 levels of parking beneath what is already built and what's being built. Huge, I'm not sure on how the other floors are modeled, but my floor is modeled in the typical Nazi format, there are these huge floors which are divided into bays, huge bays. I mean it's bigger than Cyberspace or Gateway, the workstations are modeled similar to the 'Chicken Coop' in Gateway but with a different color scheme.

It's a bit crowed, but only when you compare it with the workplace in foreign countries, I've been to Germany for a month and the place I used to walk to everyday was a proper room. A very huge room. With just 4 seats, 4 telephones, and 4 workstations. You never get a feeling that there is a guy next to you, that you can hear him breathing. Here at DLF you get a feeling that it's like a IT Concentration camp when you find your way to the Cafeteria. It's a very sad sight, very few tables not enough to seat even the strength of one floor. Not sure whether it was was planned in a bit of a hurry or was it not planned at all. The other thing that I miss about my old workplaces is that if you felt the food in office was no great then, there were options once you cross the road outside office. We do miss that here in DLF there's no alternate source of food. The ones that are there are real far from office.

Maybe once the whole building is complete, there would be a common food court or something that would be planned. But that's going to take some time, and by that time we might shift to another building. Coming to think of it, with the number of times my team have shifted our office, I think this is the senior management way of bringing 'change' to the work experience in our project.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


I'm doing great today morning, I slept off a bad headache yesterday night. Now i'm doing fine. I hate going to office, not because office sucks- it's just that the work sucks these days. It's just the same everyday, bitching on calls, playing the blame games. My project is nearing a big milestone, it's Going Live in a few days, but it's not going live because it's proper and ready, it's going live because there's nowhere else to go other than the deadpool.

The whole project is a case study on 'How not to do projects'. We messed up everything from 'requirement gathering' to 'development' to 'setting up the client expectations right. We made compromises, we compromised alot. We did a sham job in collaborating properly with various teams within the consortium. We had new project plans with fancy targets titled "Parallel Run', 'Cut over', 'Semi-Go Live'. We made a big joke with giving dates, it turned out to be the biggest farce in the whole project. The thing wrong about our project here is, what we are delivering is not what the client would want, what is developed is what each and every team in the consortium have developed within what they are comfortable with. Designs among applications was never aimed at 'What's best for the solution'.

In a few more hours I'll be sitting somewhere in a cubicle getting back on my daily mechanical routine of checking mails, attending calls, reading feeds etc. The only different thing today is, it's a new building. And for once, in the 4 year lifetime of this project, all the teams are placed on the same floor. That would only mean, we'd have less bitching on calls. I need a break from this. Need to get busy with something new.

I feel so mechanical when I reach office, I have to get something going, got to learn something. Got to settle down fast and get working on the 'Writer's Guild' that Vasu and me are planning for the next Dreamforce. Got to spent sometime on the shorts for Youtube thing that I been planning (got to loop in Laukik for this). Get myself to know Android.

OK, now it just struck me... I'm not just Mechanical... I'm Mechanical lazy!!!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

[Music Review] Battle Studies

We still won't be moving to the new Building today. A sense of urgency is what we lack. The whole installation process is under some big 'red tape' in need for some approvals or something. It's a whole exodus of an entire project team from one location to another come on get the setups ready and then work on gathering the approvals and licences.

Battle Studies, John Mayers latest new album. I'm a big fan, I like that raspy sound of his, the way he arranges his music and his guitar. GwaaaD!!! he's good with his guitar, he's not like those metal band guitarist guys. he's more of your Clapton kinda guitarist. There's hoards of similarities in their styles and the music they offer. I've heard all three of his previous offerings. 'CONTINUUM' being my favorite.

Now about Battle Studies, well it's not that bad, but when you compare it with 'CONTINUUM' it's not that great. It's no-where near great. Most of the tracks are titled with battle terms and stuff, like 'Assasins', 'War of my life' and 'Heartbreak warfare'. It's like those very typical tracks of his. Love is the prominent theme in most of the tracks. When you hear it for the first time you even feel like it sounds just the same like his tracks from 'Room for squares'. All of them slow numbers, with not much of a variation in music or the vocals. There also is this cover of 'Crossroads' by 'Cream' in this album, a good cover might I add. So you could just tag all these songs as 'easy listening' and just loop it once of twice. Not one of the 'must have' John Mayer albums I must say. You could just stream this on the net and leave it. I guess John has lost it this time, maybe it's because he's a bit distracted from what he does best. Seems to be focusing more on chasing girls these days.

Favourite tracks: 'Who Says', 'Crossroads' (cover from Cream) and 'Half of my heart'
Buy or Stream: Stream

Monday, November 30, 2009

OK.... Maybe it's not the last time I swipe out off Cyberspace.

Well we won't be moving into our new building today. The installations and all are still going on, not everybody in the team have their workstations configured and ready to work. So it's back to Cyberspace, today. Boy I hate Mondays!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Generation

I was talking to Laukik of LSD, while listening to this CD of Marathi Little Champs. He was telling me about each song that the tiny tots were singing. I was like totally surprised about the varied genre for the selected songs being sung by these kids. Folk songs, devotional songs, patriotic songs and the best part was, not all were from movies. From the Lil Champs show in Kerala and even the Senior Champs in Kerala, most of the songs in Malayalam is just movie songs. I mean it's what everybody listens too, it's the main stream thing in Malayalam. Movie songs, that is the it thing in Kerala I mean that's what everybody hears, that's what everybody sings in these contest. If it's not in a movie, it's not sung on TV.

Now he as always a true Marathi, and now with Shveta, the LSD as they would be known, are like twice Marathi, talk about the theater scene in Marathi, the music scene, about how they still know a lot of the folk songs, how it gets passed on from their parents. And how there are all these music being passed to the next generation in various ways. 2009 or 2010 there is this Marathi culture that's been passed on from generation to generation. Maybe there is a generation of non Marathi speaking Marathi growing up, even we have a mallu generation finding pride in not know to read write and speak Malayalam. The point I'm making is, 'MNS' or 'no MNS' there is a part of the culture that's been passed on from generation to generation. I like that. And I miss that in my being a Mallu.

After every discussion about this I end saying $h!T man why don't my Malayalam have this. Where is all this in malayalam, when I want to tell my next generation about what being mallu is, I still don't have an answer. Would I just end up saying being mallu means Harathaal, Mamooty. Mohanlal, Yesudas, AKG, EMS and Sreeshant. Where's my Shivaji equivalent? what about stories of some Mallu king who fought fearlessly and ruled his country just and wise? When will I be able to name a Malayalam theater actor and say that, this guys acting is rocking? When asked about the various Genres in Malayalam music, what will I say- Mimicry, Movie and Devotional.

Will my next generation ever learn a Malayalam folk song or is it going to be a generation that just knows their rhymes and Backstreet Boys. Do we have a generation who know the diffrence between 'theater' and theater 'theater'. The Tele-serials and reruns of 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S' is not the only thing other than Movies. Is there a generation that knows how to 'make' butter and ghee. Where did we go wrong? Did too much 'oil money' make us more modern? Are we moving to a Pizza and Cornflake generation away from the idiyappama and puttu generation. Is our syllabus so not true to my culture, are we too much into breeding Engineers and MBAs that we compromise dropping Malayalam in 10th just to make space for another extra class for Maths and Science

Is there a Mallu generation there that is still in touch with it's true culture. Have we lost it... do we still have a chance to save what's left of it?


Yesterday I downloaded a documentary about the 26/11 Mumbai blasts. It's not like those normal documentary where some guy re-enacts the scene or anything, where there's lots of officials and cops being interviewed. The story from the cops angle. This was totally different. It's told from the POV of the terrorist and the survivors for this attack, backed by CCTV footages and radio dispatches. It's titled 'Dispaches-Terror in Mumbai'

How do you program people to kill? It takes a lot of courage and a very twisted state of mind to kill a person. And when it's people you have no reason to kill, it takes a lot of brain washing to do that. Would you kill for a promise of heaven after death? Would you kill for a whole lot of money? The terrorist looked numb, devoid of any emotion.

And who are these guys on the other end of the radio. Sounded like the joker from the 'Dark Knight'- an agent of chaos. People who simply trick naive minds and get them to do very mean things. As Alfred Pennyworth from the movie 'The Dark Knight' rightly puts it:
Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

Is there a solution for this, if people can be programmed to hate, can we program people to love/tolerate or do we really have to burn the forest down.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Get off the Coke!!!

It was simply irresistible, I had to have one, so I had one.

Rest of the guys at home were having a beer and I had to have something. You just don't want to be the guy with no glass in your hand when everyone else says 'Cheers!!!'. So now what, well tonsils, still the size of a grape.

We all swiped out from Satyam Cyberspace, yesterday was the last day for me at the place where it all started. I still do remember the day, the first day at Cyberspace. There was nothing here in Cyberspace. They were practically building the place when we joined. There was no 9th floor Cafeteria, it was at the 2nd Floor. But the food was really good initially, there Chinese every week and mind you 'Chinese Buffet'. The normal buffet lunch was also pretty good. Breakfast was wicked too, Poori and curry everyday, Dosa made right in front of your eyes.

Initially at Cyberspace, there was this unrestricted internet access. Google, Gmail everything was open. We guys in our project had a proxy which still gave us access to these sites when it was blocked for the rest. I used to watch trailers online of upcoming movies on Yahoo! Movies on Fridays. Talk about unrestricted acess, I even managed to get Appa and Amma all the way to my workstation and meet my team when they had come to Cyperspace. It was pretty late after that, the whole place got like creepily secured like it was some CIA Research Facility or something- No music players, No Cameras

Then after I moved out of the 'Proxima' project I moved down to the the 1st floor, with VnA and then met up with the craziest set of guys in the whole world. A very important part of my family which I call the 'Chappi team'.The name originates from the 'Chai Peene' breaks we had a zillion times in Cyberspace. We used to pick our coffee tea and move to the Fire Exit in the 'Lobby walli Front-Side' of Cyberspace. I so loved these breaks, it was during these breaks that I got inducted to this amazing fun place called 'Goa Institute of Management' aka GIM. I became friends with not just the members of Chappi team but made friends with a whole lot of characters like Uprety, Jaggu, Wikeh, Patru, Chadda. More on this in some other post. We really did have some fun Chappi breaks at Cyberspace.

We shifted from Cyberspace as a team to another building only to shift back to Cyberspace after a few months. Now we are shifting again, only this time there's definitely no shifting back to Cyberspace. From November 2004 to November 2009 it's been a good time swiping in and out of Cyberspace. What would I miss most about Cyberspace? Nothing actually, maybe the ATM inside CyberSpace. After the whole Chappi Team disbanded, I already had missed what I always liked about Cyberspace the - 'Chai Peene' breaks at Cyberspace.

Friday, November 27, 2009


It's official, I have a regulation Cold. The one disease with no cure what so ever. I have a leaky nose, slightly yellow colored boogers, it's not like leaking continuously. Sometimes I do get that kinda cold too, it's like this big tank of nose water just broke and I leak like gallons of water enough to irrigate the whole of Africa.

I like my voice when I have a cold, adds a bit of 'Russel Crowe' tone to my usual voice. It's a Friday so I guess i'll have enough time to recuperate tomorrow. Got to live through office today.

I blame the unpredictable weather in Hyderabad for my Cold.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

THE Best friend...

1. THE best friend gets 'jealous' when their friends talk about or miss their 'other' best friends.
2. Though it kills them to see their best friend miss another friend but THE Best Friends 'hate' their competition.
3. THE best friend knows it's 'not fair' when all the 'other' Varshus, Animeshs, Sambhajis, Aashus and Sankets get a head start.
4. Can't 'wait' till they become THE best friend.
5. Knows that family is not the 'only' blood relation in the world. THE best friend is all together a new Blood Type.
6. THE Best friends never get enough of 'being' THE best friend.
7. THE best friend always thinks why it took 'so long' to be friends. Wished he had all the time from KG to this day to be friends and wants do it all over again.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ahem... been a long time

It's been a long time, it's been a crazy lazy long time. Here I am, up early this morning, I just previewed a completed download of 'The Goods' a Jamie Piven comedy (You will know as Ari from The HBO series 'Entourage'), funny movie. I have tonsils the size of small grapes in my throat. I don't feel that good, kinda getting a feeling, i'll soon succumb to a bad cold or something.

A what's happening around me? Office just came to a stand still, networks down. Made me realize what it takes to get lazy ass IT guys who waste time in front of a computer even when they have no work, to get home early- 'Bring the network down!'. Folks are doing fine at home, Amma's joined some aerobics class along with few of her teacher friends. Here at the Chappi Team HQ, it's wedding anniversary season. It was VnA's turn yesterday, it's LSD's (Laukik Shveta Desai) today. LSD are getting their Royal Enfield Bullet today!!!

Now I have to go and bathe, well now bathing- 'convince myself that the water which is verrrrry cold is to be poured on myself and when it's water that's as cold as it is in Hyd these days... taking time to clean is the last thing in your mind... Splash and Dash... that's what works best during the cold season here...'

So let me go and take that plunge... Good day to you all... Take care and be safe.